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- Suicide is the leading cause of death for female adolescents and the third highest cause of death for male adolescents in the western world.
- 75% of people with BPD have attempted suicide and the same percentage has self-harmed.
- 10% of people with BPD will commit suicide. The BPD suicide rate in the US is between 8–10%of the diagnosed individuals. 30-38% of suicides in the USA are shown, post-mortem, to have had BPD. In the UK, the suicide rate of people with BPD is 40-50 times higher.
- With BPD, one’s life expectancy is severely reduced by approximately 20 years.
- 75% of diagnosed BPD sufferers in treatment are women, possibly because they are more likely to experience emotional, physical and sexual abuse bringing the symptoms to a level of dysfunction and more likely to seek help. Men are believed to be just as likely to have BPD, but are under-diagnosed.
- Individuals with BPD make up 20-35% of all psychiatric inpatients, 50% of people seeking treatment in dedicated mental health programs, and 30% of those looking for assistance from mental health services.
- Approximately 80%–96% of people with BPD also suffer from mood disorders such as depression and bi-polar disorder. Comorbid conditions that often accompany borderline personality disorder are bipolar disorder (10-15%), antisocial personality disorder (25%), narcissistic personality disorder (25%), ADHD (30%), PTSD (50%), social phobia (50%), panic disorder (50%), eating disorders (50-53%), major depressive disorder (60-87%), substance abuse disorder (64-66%), and anxiety disorders (88%).
- 50% of people with BPD are likely to have abused substances within the previous year.